Each year, I write a post with everything I accomplished during the year. I do this partly for a personal journal to remember what I did and also as a reminder of things I've achieved for moments when I feel as if I am not doing enough. The year started out slow but it picked up in April when I headed out to New Zealand to live in a camper van for three weeks. As you might have read, I few hours into the trip I ended up with just the clothes on my back and the items in my purse, which luckily included my iPhone and passport. Looking back, it was the highlight of my year. During that trip, I was notified that my portrait series, "Equivalence" was written up in the National Geographic blog, Proof . Also, during the trip I started taking photographs from the van window and named the series, "Vanscapes" which was featured in PDN and Lenscratch , which subsequently lead to several websites picking it up. The remainder of the year was spent on different road tri...