Open Show, Photo LA And Saying Yes

I am a loner for most of the year and a very shy person so the thought of standing in front of a large group of people to talk about my work is terrifying to me. A week ago, I took the chance and stood in front of an audience to do just that. I am at ease with a small group and even better at one-on-one conversations but standing in front of a crowd full of eyes isn't something I jump at the chance to do. I was asked to talk about my work at Open Show Los Angeles and after saying no in my head, my fingers typed "yes" in an email. I am glad I did the opposite of what my fear told me to do. It would be easy to tell you that I am a pro at public speaking and that I feel it's a piece of cake. That would my mother's words, "a fib." Even though I minored in Speech in college, It doesn't come naturally to me. It's easier and more comfortable for me to be alone on the road for months or approach a stranger in an alley at night to take their...