
Menampilkan postingan dari Juni, 2012

I Want To Send YOU A Photo Postcard From The Road

It's about that time... time to pack up everything I need to live in a 6x10 foot space full time.  Yes, I am going to live in my van with my dog, Max in a few weeks. This is our fourth year on the road and I am looking forward to this year more than ever.   I don't have a set agenda, rather I am going to stay open to the possibility of changing direction depending on who I meet or what a local might say about what "not to miss."  I am going to blog and share portraits of people I meet on the road here on this blog.  I plan to write more, take more photos and talk to more people along the way.   Eventually, I would like to put together a book or show with the images I take of Americana throughout the states.  But with most projects (including cost of gas to get to places to take photographs), it costs money.  I thought about starting a Kickstarter project to help the project of documenting Americans I meet by chance, but time slipped away and my house i...

Alumapalooza 2012

The past week, I was in Jackson Center, Ohio to attend Airstream Life's "Alumapalooza" for the third year in the row.  Not only did I attend, but I was once again the photographer for the event and each year always seems to be a bit better than the last.  Maybe "better" isn't the word, but one thing is for sure... it is growing in numbers! For five days, I walked up and down the grounds of Airstream looking for people to photograph.  Some days it wasn't easy with the rain and wind.  Usually people hide away and shut the door and I won't come knockin' if it's closed.  Once the sun peeked out, so did everyone else and that's when I ran around to capture to moments of the event.   I can't just take a photo and leave.  I really do enjoy talking to everyone and getting to know the new folks that make the trek all the way to Ohio to be a part of the festivities.  It was nice to see familiar faces and I think most people approached me to see...