Where are you going?

When someone learns of my plans to live in my van and travel around the USA, the first question I get is, "where are you going to go?" My answer is "I don't know" or "everywhere!" I wish I could be more specific but I really never know. I tend to have a general direction on where I will go and depending on the weather and circumstances, it determines the next day and so on. I admit that it's not the best way to travel, but it's worked for me so far. I would like to see Marfa, TX and perhaps make it out to the salt flats but other than that, it's a blank canvas. I am assuming I will travel with the weather so that usually means I will head North during the hot months and South in the Fall. I always enjoy being on the East coast in late summer. I will be making goals along the way and sharing photographs, including portraits of people I meet on the road. If you know of a place I shouldn't miss, please let me know. You can always fo...