Costume Characters And Tourists On Sunset Boulevard

Over the weekend, I took a field trip to walk around and observe the costume characters working the streets in front of the Chinese theater in Hollywood. There are several characters walking around hoping that you will take their photograph for cash and plenty of tourists taking them up on it. At first, it was exciting to be there since I don't think I've ever toured the area or at least I have no memory of it. Shortly after arriving, the initial excitement wore off and I started feeling a bit sad for the people in the costumes and the children in the middle of the chaos. I started snapping away as soon as I arrived and I took a photo of the back of "Darth Vador's" head while he was out of the costume and he immediately walked towards me and confronted me about it. Being true to his character, he was not the nicest of people and I decided just to walk away and avoid any further contact. He yelled at me and told me to delete the photo. It was the back ...