
Menampilkan postingan dari Februari, 2012

Palm Springs Modernism Week Vintage Trailer Show 2012

Once again, the vintage trailer show at the Palm Springs modernism week did not disappoint!  This is my second year attending and touring these mint vintage trailers including the one of a kind "Decoliner" built from scratch in twenty months. When you enter the show, you don't quite know where to head first.  All of the trailers lined up had their own distinctive look and feel to them inside and out.  It's hard to choose a favorite, but the crowd seemed to be drawn to the decoliner. The show was held last weekend in Palm Springs at the end of their annual, "Modernism Week" which includes festivities throughout the week that is sure to please the mid century modern design fan.  This past Saturday, I wandered around the trailer show and photographed some of the trailers, but mostly I enjoyed picking people out of the crowd to photograph. A big thank you to all who agreed to pose for me as well as "Airstream Life" for coordinating another successful e...

Bingo Culture Featured In F8 Magazine

It's exciting to me that F8 Magazine partnered with me to feature my series, "Bingo Culture" on their website. If you're a follower, you already know about my series.  I this article, I explain a little bit more in detail on why I started and continue to work on this series.  Thank you to all who support this effort with me. You can click on the link HERE to see the entire article, or continue reading... Beginning in 2008, I hit the road for three years to photograph America solo; living out of a tent and bringing along my dog for the ride. While traveling in Maine, I discovered a Bingo hall and it provoked a curiosity about a subculture that I was unaware of. What I discovered was a community of dedicated players who travel to the same place, set up in the same spot, and bring along the same good luck charms with the hopes that this will be the night that they win big.  As I continued my travels across America, I also kept on my quest to find hidden or otherwise un...

Studio Shoot With Beautiful Models

The subjects of all of my photos are not models, but everyday Americans living their life.  I am drawn to individuals that don't blend in with crowds.  If I've taken your photograph and I have never met you, it's because there is something about you that I want to remember and capture in a photograph.  I was asked recently about how I know when I find someone that meets my personal aesthetic and it really has to do with their presence and the energy I get from them.  Once I see and feel it, I know. I was interviewed by gallery owner, Kat Kiernan for the Kiernan Gallery blog  since "Brothers" was chosen as "Juror's Choice" by judge, Henry Horenstein.  I talked a little bit about why I choose the people I do to photograph as I wander around the country. Last week, I photographed two models in a studio for the first time.  Most every portrait I take is an environmental portrait where people seem belong exactly where I found them, or you get a sense ...

PDN Emerging Photographer and F Stop Magazine

This morning I found out that one of my images in my "Bingo Culture" series was chosen by the editors of PDN to be the photograph of the week and month on their website!  The photograph they featured is one I took while I was in Fort Collins, Colorado last December. Also, this morning I learned that five of my images were selected to be in the Portraits Exhibit Group Show featured on F Stop Magazine.  I have screen shots from both.  My five images selected for F Stop Magazine are the bottom five on the left. You can see PDN's site by clicking HERE and F Stop magazine by clicking HERE.