My Story On

I was asked to write a 2,000 word essay on my story. I've written blogs here and there about how I started on my journey and all of the steps I took to get here. Today, published my story that I wrote about the past three years of my life and it ended up on the front page of their website. Needless to say, I am thrilled and a bit wary at the same time. I don't mind writing personal things here and there about myself (which I do) on this blog, but I couldn't believe the amount of support as well as criticism I received for it. Everyone has an opinion and not everyone can do, is willing to do, or even wants to do what I have done and continue to do. There is a lot of talk about the money I made at my job in the corporate world. The fact is, my first job after college (and many jobs after that) was minimum wage and I never in my wildest dreams thought I could make six figures. At one point, I told my boss that I thought I was making too ...