
Menampilkan postingan dari November, 2011

My Story On

I was asked to write a 2,000 word essay on my story.  I've written blogs here and there about how I started on my journey and all of the steps I took to get here.  Today, published my story that I wrote about the past three years of my life and it ended up on the front page of their website.  Needless to say, I am thrilled and a bit wary at the same time. I don't mind writing personal things here and there about myself (which I do) on this blog, but I couldn't believe the amount of support as well as criticism I received for it.  Everyone has an opinion and not everyone can do, is willing to do, or even wants to do what I have done and continue to do.  There is a lot of talk about the money I made at my job in the corporate world.  The fact is, my first job after college (and many jobs after that) was minimum wage and I never in my wildest dreams thought I could make six figures.  At one point, I told my boss that I thought I was making too ...

Leonard Knight's 80th Birthday at Salvation Mountain

This wasn't my first trip to Salvation Mountain, but it might be the last one seeing Leonard there.  A few weeks ago, he had his 80th birthday party at the mountain and I knew I needed to make the three hour trek to see him again and to wish him a happy birthday. Leonard Knight has touched the lives of so many by building this mountain out of adobe clay and donated paint.  His motto that surrounds the mountain is, "God is Love."  You will see  this phrase all over the mountain and surrounding vehicles. He welcomes everyone to visit and appreciate his work of art.  As many have seen and experienced, he greets everyone by saying, "Welcome, make yourself at home." The photo above of Leonard was taken during my first visit a year and a half ago. Throughout the day, there were stories of how Leonard's creation and philosophy have helped them through difficult times and they would in turn, share this with him.  One by one, people came to take a seat next to him f...

Teaching American Slang To Teenagers In Sweden (And How To Meet Strangers Online)

If you told me a few years back that my blog would eventually end up in a textbook to teach English and English slang to kids in Sweden, I would have used way more slang words!  I write like I talk (for the most part) and I don't agonize over words to use that would make me appear like I am some brilliant intellectual writer.  Well, I am but that's besides the point. At the beginning of my journey wandering the states three years ago, I wrote about my feelings, fears and mostly about what I did (if it was interesting enough).  Little did I know that my blog about meeting strangers in real life would end up in print in a Sweedish textbook. I agreed and licensed my blog for them to use but really didn't know in what context they would use it.  I didn't really care but it was refreshing that they would reach out to pay me for my words instead of just using them or my photographs without reaching out to me first. They used my blog I wrote on March 19th, 2009 titled "M...

Olvera Street and Union Station

I have lived in Southern California most of my life and have to admit that I've never taken the journey to explore Olvera Street or Union Station. It was near Halloween so Olvera street was filled with activities, music, tourists and locals celebrating the day of the dead or rather, "Dia de los Muertos". I spent a few hours wandering around this small block of outdoor islands.  Many children were getting their faces painted or shopping for masks to be a character in "Lucha Libre" even if they didn't really want to as you can see in the photograph below of a frowning boy.  Needless to say, it was entertaining to watch. After my short stroll through Olvera Street, I headed to Union Station to take a tour.  What a beautiful train station!  There was a wedding going on so I asked the bride and bridesmaids if they wouldn't mind posing for me...they said yes.  It's easy to be entertained there.  All you need to do is take a seat and observe.  You will see...

"The Wedding Guest" Selected For The Portraits Exhibit At The Center Of Fine Art Photography

I am so thrilled that my photograph titled, "The Wedding Guest" was selected by judge Anna Walker Skillman to be in the Portraits Exhibit at the Center of Fine Art Photography in Fort Collins, Colorado.  All photographs selected will be on display at the Center's gallery from January 13th through February 25th, 2012.  I feel very honored to be among the talented artists in this exhibit.  You can see all of the selected images by clicking HERE. As the Center of Fine Art Photography describes on their website, " Anna Walker Skillman is the owner of Jackson Fine Art, one of the premiere photography galleries in the nation. Anna Walker Skillman began her career working at the Haines Gallery, a leading contemporary art gallery in San Francisco . In 1993, Anna moved to Atlanta to manage the studio of famed Atlanta artist Todd Murphy. After working with Mr. Murphy to establish his career for five years, Anna turned to photography and joined Jackson Fine Art in 1998. In Marc...