The Year 2010, Revisited

The good news about getting old and blogging is that you can look back to see what you did for the year. Now that we are in the last two days in 2010, it's only appropriate to recap the year to see what I did to reflect on those experiences and make goals for the following year. As you may know, I set 39 goals for my 39th year last year and am happy to report that I completed most of the goals. Some were easy and I just needed to make time to do them and others were out of my control since it took more than myself to complete them, such as getting photos published in a magazine. I have to say that it's been an exciting year and one I won't soon forget. In 2009 , I traveled the country in a tent with Max like I did this year so January was spent touring around in my city and putting up my etsy site. Since I was hanging around Long Beach, it was only appropriate to get involved in the community and work with Scott Jones (Long Beach Person of the year) and h...