
Menampilkan postingan dari Desember, 2010

The Year 2010, Revisited

The good news about getting old and blogging is that you can look back to see what you did for the year.  Now that we are in the last two days in 2010, it's only appropriate to recap the year to see what I did to reflect on those experiences and make goals for the following year. As you may know, I set 39 goals for my 39th year last year and am happy to report that I completed most of the goals.  Some were easy and I just needed to make time to do them and others were out of my control since it took more than myself to complete them, such as getting photos published in a magazine.  I have to say that it's been an exciting year and one I won't soon forget. In 2009 , I traveled the country in a tent with Max like I did this year so January was spent touring around in my city and putting up my etsy site.   Since I was hanging around Long Beach, it was only appropriate to get involved in the community and work with Scott Jones (Long Beach Person of the year) and h...

Documenting a Photographer's Bridal Self Portrait

The past year I’ve been saying yes to opportunities that normally I would question or instantly think of reasons to say no to. Putting fear aside, I decided that saying yes would lead to growth and if anything, an experience you wouldn’t have had the opportunity to experience if you said no. A few weeks ago, I received an email from photographer, Susan Sabo that simply asked if I was around the following day to help her on a shoot.  We’ve been facebook friends for a while and I’ve only met her briefly one night but I didn’t think twice to say yes without question.  I didn’t know what she wanted me to do or what the shoot was about but I figured that if she reached out to me, she needed the help. After I said yes, she told me she was working on self portrait series for the following year titled, “be the bride 2011.” She’s a wedding photographer and wanted to step in the shoes of brides she shoots to understand what it’s like to actually be the bride. She asked me to meet her at...

Facing Fears, Being Social and Taking Portraits of Strangers

A big difference in this past trip from previous trips is the amount of people I talked to and photographed along the way.  This year, I went out of my way and outside of my comfort zone to talk to people I would normally not approach, but wanted to inside.  I did things I would usually shy away from and just decided to take a chance.  It wasn't easy, but after I did it a few times, it became easier and easier to do.  Sounds simple, doesn't it?  Well, the hardest part is actually doing it.  Not just once, but at least once a day for months. I used to hide behind the camera and take shots of people without them knowing.  In the past, it was easier since I could hide the point and click camera I was using and most people didn't notice so I would just snap and walk away. This year I decided to get closer.  Closer to the people I was choosing to photograph and that meant approaching them, asking for their permission to photograph them and take a photo...

Maine. The Magazine Jan/Feb 2011 Issue

I am thrilled to be a part of Maine. The magazine's January/February 2011 edition.  I interviewed and photographed Ralph Lewis for the Q&A section and was also selected to be featured as a contributor in this issue. During my travels, I come across some interesting people and have blogged about them along the way.  When I was staying as a guest of Adam and Susan in Bailey Island, Maine, I met and chatted with their neighbors, Ralph and Dolly.  Susan introduced me and told Ralph that I was a photographer and after he kiddingly waved his hand at me and turned his back, he turned right back around with that contagious smile to greet me. A few days later, he came over for a visit and we chatted about what it was like for him to be the photographer for the State of Maine.  He showed me Maine road maps where his photographs were featured and told me tales of the people and things he took photographs of.  I blogged about my time with him HERE . Listening to his ...

Shelter Dogs Looking For A Home

When you are out there trying to find the perfect gift for a loved one, please don't forget the shelter animals that are looking for a home.  I am not suggesting that these dogs and cats should be adopted for a holiday since making the decision to adopt a pet is a life long one and shouldn't be taken lightly.  You can donate money, toys, blankets, beds or treats to your nearest shelter.  In the Long Beach area, you can help donate to Santa Paws  fundraiser this Saturday.  The Humane Society and Best Friends Animal Sanctuary will also take donations to help homeless pets this holiday season. It was hard to go to the shelter to see all of the animals looking for a home.  At times I had to fight back the tears but I kept on with the hopes that this may get to someone who is looking for a life long companion.  When I returned home, I told Max about it and he offered up one of his beds and some treats so we will be back to deliver these items to help keep...

Art Shows And Being Home (For Now)

The past few weeks I've been running around and participating in art shows around the Long Beach area.  It's been great meeting and chatting with people that come across my little art space. Before returning home, I became used to being on the road for months at a time while moving from one place to another on a daily basis.  People often ask me what it's like to be home.  It's nice to be in one spot and knowing where I will sleep and remembering where I am when I wake up.  Sometimes on the road, each day was almost a surprise since I didn't stay long in one spot.  I got used to driving around and seeing new things, but being in one space has benefits as well. I still am not sure how long I will stay. I love the quote from Elliott Erwitt: "Nothing happens when you stay at home."  It's true for the most part but since I've been out and about in shows, I've talked to more people in the past week then I have in about a year. It takes a certain per...